
Showing posts with the label youtube channel

How to monetize your youtube channel

  How to monetize your youtube channel. First you go your youtube studio than after you click menu on Ytstudio and show EARN button so click earn and display this page on your device. You see this page write a Youtube partner Program (YPP) process is start. Scroll this page after you see APPLY NOW button so all monetization process start after you click APPLY NOW button but before scroll this page and show critearia. What is critearia for youotube channel monetization? after you scroll the page you see how to join box describe in 2 steps STEP:1 Reach requirements to apply (1) 1000-subscribe and 4000 public watch time in hour in videos in 12 Months. (2) 1000-subscribe and 10Million views in Shots in 90days STEP:2 Complete the basic (1) 2step varification: so you first go your youtube channel gmail address and select menu and go security option after screoll and see 2 step verification icon so complete that option. so all critearia is completed your YouTube channel than after scroll ...

How Do I Start A Unique YouTube Channel

  How  To Create A YouTube Channel? Five steps to Create a youtube channel, follow this given steps to create easily youtube site. 1.Create gmail Id. 2.Signing into youTube in your device. 3.Create youtube channel. 4.How to get youtube studio. 5.Complete your youtube channel. 1.Create Gmail Id. 1.First go google Account and click create account. 2.Than after fill up your gmail id name. 3.Than after choose email address. 4.Than create strong password. 5.Than create your gmail id and get gamil id. 2.Signing into youtube in your device. Now You create a new gmail Id so you open Youtube on your device than after you see sign option click than option and fill information the information is gmailid and gmail password is appy and now signing a youtube in your device and now easyly open youtube in your device. 3.Create youtube Channel First you open youTube in your device than you see corner in youtube display logo so click logo so mnay opion dipslay now you ADD ACCOUNT option se...