How Do I Start A Unique YouTube Channel


How To Create A YouTube Channel?

Five steps to Create a youtube channel, follow this given steps to create easily youtube site.

1.Create gmail Id.
2.Signing into youTube in your device.
3.Create youtube channel.
4.How to get youtube studio.
5.Complete your youtube channel.

1.Create Gmail Id.

1.First go google Account and click create account.
2.Than after fill up your gmail id name.
3.Than after choose email address.
4.Than create strong password.
5.Than create your gmail id and get gamil id.

2.Signing into youtube in your device.

Now You create a new gmail Id so you open Youtube on your device than after you see sign option click than option and fill information the information is gmailid and gmail password is appy and now signing a youtube in your device and now easyly open youtube in your device.

3.Create youtube Channel

First you open youTube in your device than you see corner in youtube display logo so click logo so mnay opion dipslay now you ADD ACCOUNT option select and than follow 3 step than complete in channel.

1.Add Profile Picture

2.Add Channel Name


so now all given step is see...

1.Add Profile picture

See first option is a Profile Picture so you add your channel Logo or image
You add profile picture is related your Channel name your profile picture is
Your Profile picture is Meaningful,Beautiful,Inspiring that type you add Profile Picture.

2.Add channel name

When you add Profile Picture than after you comes a Add Channel Option so
First Thing Your Channel Name is Related your Youtube video.
An Example: i am a stock market trader and also i have a youtube channel and
my youtube channel name is DAILYBULL'S so
create channel name is always releted your work and video.


When you two step clear after last step comes and last step is handle your youtube channel
any people search some name so saw many channels so that types your channel handle name create
so people can search easyly.
now all step complete after you create Youtube channel and you click create than after create your youtube channel.

4. How to get Youtube Studio

youtube studio is a Your youtube video traffic your channel analytics and your payments is all summury saw.
now you open google crome and thann after you search a that type you write and first link open
in your browser and see GET APP option you see so click and all info submit than type you open YTstudio.

5. Complete Your youtube Channel

so given all step very carefully follow so very easyly open youtube,youtube channel and youtube studio.


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